Categoria: Artigos
27 nov 2022
>> Nonpharmacologic Therapies in Patients with Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis
Título do Estudo Nonpharmacologic Therapies in Patients with Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis Fonte / Citação Dobler CC, Morrow AS, Farah MH, Beuschel B, Majzoub AM, Wilson ME, Hasan B, Seisa MO, Daraz L, Prokop LJ, Murad MH, Wang Z. Nonpharmacologic Therapies in Patients With Exacerbation of Chronic […]
19 nov 2022
>> Balloon pulmonary angioplasty versus riociguat for the treatment of inoperable chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (RACE): a multicentre, phase 3, open-label, randomised controlled trial and ancillary follow-up study
Título do Estudo Balloon pulmonary angioplasty versus riociguat for the treatment of inoperable chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (RACE): a multicentre, phase 3, open-label, randomised controlled trial and ancillary follow-up study Fonte Xavier Jaïs, Philippe Brenot, Hélène Bouvaist, Mitja Jevnikar, Matthieu Canuet, Céline Chabanne, Ari Chaouat, Vincent Cottin, Pascal De Groote, Nicolas Favrolt, Delphine Horeau-Langlard, Pascal […]
23 out 2022
>> Bedaquiline–Pretomanid–Linezolid Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Título do Estudo Bedaquiline–Pretomanid–Linezolid Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Fonte Conradie, T.R. Bagdasaryan, S. Borisov, P. Howell, L. Mikiashvili, N. Ngubane, Samoilova, S. Skornykova, E. Tudor, E. Variava, P. Yablonskiy, D. Everitt, G.H. Wills, E. Sun, M. Olugbosi, E. Egizi, M. Li, A. Holsta, J. Timm, A. Bateson, A.M. Crook, S.M. Fabiane, R. Hunt, T.D. McHugh, C.D. Tweed, […]
1 out 2022
>> Improvements in cognitive function and quantitative sleep electroencephalogram in obstructive sleep apnea after six months of continuous positive airway pressure treatment
Título do Estudo Improvements in cognitive function and quantitative sleep electroencephalogram in obstructive sleep apnea after six months of continuous positive airway pressure treatment Fonte SLEEPJ, 2022, Vol. 45, No. 6. Objetivos Dado associação entre a apnéia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) não tratada com alterações da eletrofisiologia cerebral e déficit cognitivo, buscou-se avaliação […]
24 set 2022
>> Impulse oscillometry and free-running tests for diagnosing asthma and monitoring lung function in young children
Título do Estudo Impulse oscillometry and free-running tests for diagnosing asthma and monitoring lung function in young children Fonte Burman J, Malmberg LP, Remes S, Jartti T, Pelkonen AS, Makela MJ. Impulse oscillometry and free-running tests for diagnosing asthma and monitoring lung function in young children. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2021;127:326−333. Introdução A prevalência […]
17 set 2022
>> Performance evaluation of a wrist-worn reflectance pulse oximeter during sleep
Título do Estudo Performance evaluation of a wrist-worn reflectance pulse oximeter during sleep Fonte Sleep Health (2022), 706 (In Press) – – Autores: Hyunjun Jung ,Dongyeop Kim, Wonkyu Lee, Hyejung Seo, Jinwoo Seo, Jongmin Choi, Eun Yeon Joo. Desenho do Estudo Estudo prospectivo com 97 adultos que visitaram o laboratório do sono no Samsung […]
3 set 2022
>> Persistent N2 After Induction Is Not a Contraindication to Surgery for Lung Cancer
Título do Estudo Persistent N2 After Induction Is Not a Contraindication to Surgery for Lung Cancer Fonte Andrews WG, Louie BE, Castiglioni M, Aye RW, Vallières E, Bograd AJ. Persistent N2 after induction is not a contraindication to surgery for lung câncer. Ann Thorac Surg 2022; 114:394-400. Introdução O tratamento cirúrgico do câncer […]
27 ago 2022
>> Fluticasone-Based versus Budesonide-Based Triple Therapies in COPD: Real-World Comparative Effectiveness and Safety
Título do Estudo Fluticasone-Based versus Budesonide-Based Triple Therapies in COPD: Real-World Comparative Effectiveness and Safety Fonte Samy Suissa Sophie Dell’Aniello Pierre Ernst Pages 109-117 | Received 29 Oct 2021, Accepted 22 Jan 2022, Published online: 06 Apr 2022 DPOC: JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE2022,VOL.19,NÃO.1,109-117 Sumário A terapia tripla para doença pulmonar […]
13 ago 2022
>> Algorithmic Approach to the Diagnosis of Organizing Pneumonia: A Correlation of Clinical, Radiologic, and Pathologic Features
Título do Estudo Algorithmic Approach to the Diagnosis of Organizing Pneumonia: A Correlation of Clinical, Radiologic, and Pathologic Features Fonte CHEST Volume 162, Issue 1, July 2022, Pages 156-178. Introdução A Pneumonia em Organização (PO) é uma entidade clínica que se caracteriza histologicamente pelo preenchimento de alvéolos e bronquíolos por plugs de material […]
31 jul 2022
>> Reconsidering the Utility of Race-Specific Lung Function Prediction Equations
Título do Estudo Reconsidering the Utility of Race-Specific Lung Function Prediction Equations Fonte AJRCCM 2022; April 1 – Baugh, Aaron e col. Introdução Pacientes DPOC afro-americanos apresentam piores desfechos clínicos em relação a caucasianos. Este estudo objetiva entender se o uso de equações de referência específicas para raça pode resultar em perda de […]